Our teams identify opportunities to develop and trial innovative technologies, practices and commercial arrangements. Innovation provides the potential to improve our business and benefit our customers.
Take a look at our RIIO ED2 innovation strategy here.
As a part of the Transmission and Distribution Licenses, the Gas and Electricity Networks produce joint innovation strategies, at least every two years. ENA, as the voice of the networks, has coordinated the development of these strategies on behalf of the Gas and Electricity Networks. To view this strategy please click the link below.
Energy Networks Innovation Strategy
Alternatively you can view our Distribution NIA Annual Summary report to get an overview of our projects or the ENA industry wide Annual Innovation Report.
If you would like to understand how SSEN will share network and consumption data (subject to anonymisation and/or redaction for reasons of commercial confidentiality or other sensitivity). Our Network Innovation Competition (NIC) and Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) Data Sharing Procedure is available.