The aim of the project is to report on the extent to which utilities are on the decarbonisation journey of their vehicle fleets.Key outputs include reporting on the present-day composition of utility fleet vehicles (mixture of electricity and gas network operators). Understanding the challenges, needs, global logistic trends and options for on-road and off -road vehicles. The project will also create a roadmap, including a gap analysis and assessment of intervention options to support utility fleet decarbonisation between now and 2050.
This project will be collecting vehicle fleet data from a range of gas and electricity utility companies. The aim is to create a fleet decarbonisation Road Map for all utilities to benchmark their own progress against and use to inform strategy. The Road Map will also identify hard to decarbonise vehicles such as unique tree cutters, heavy machinery, etc., As there will be a large number of utilities participating the outputs of
the Road Map Report can help focus innovation in areas of concern and to also promote investment in these areas by companies looking to benefit from assisting with the Net Zero transition. Energy Systems Catapult will be using their whole system model to perform this study on behalf of Utilities.
NIA £117,92
Feb 2022 – Nov 2022
Rhys Williams