This is a small-scale demonstrator project which will make near real-time network usage data available to stakeholders. This will be tested by engaging with stakeholders including those already involved in ongoing local energy innovation projects.
The NeRDA project was successful in delivering its objectives. The NeRDA portal makes available real time power flow data from our EHV, HV, and LV networks. This data is collected from numerous sources, including SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), our PowerOn system, our recently installed low voltage monitoring equipment, load models, forecasting tools, network connectivity models, and our Long-Term Development Statements (LTDS). Open Grid Systems (OGS) were engaged to develop the NeRDA solution. The OGS CIMphony platform was used as a model-driven data management tool to deliver NeRDA. CIMphony is OGS’s originalmodel-driven desktop data management tool for editing and analysing Common Information Model (CIM) data, using CIMphony allowed NeRDA to provide the real-time data to our stakeholders in a CIM format. OGS were provided with static data sets about our network (i.e. geographic references of assets, network configuration, ratings and unique identification of assets) and the ability to stream HV and LV data from SSEN systems into the CIMphony platform was created. OGS also set up a dashboard view that provides users with a geographical view of the network and data that is available. HV data is updated every 3 minutes and LV data every 10 minutes. A follow on project, NeRDA 2, has been registered in RIIO-ED2 to look at how we increase the amount of LV data that we can make available to stakeholders and its use cases.
November 2020 – March 2024
Fraser Macintyre